how to audition for live on atlantic



Live! On Atlantic 2024 Audition Information

All audition spots for Live! on Atlantic 2024 are full. A waitlist is available by clicking here. Should spots become available, you will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Live! On Atlantic, a nationally recognized entertainment program along Atlantic Avenue at the Virginia Beach oceanfront has always been a vital component of the overall Beach Events program. The past several years has brought a changing landscape to Atlantic Avenue, and it’s important for Live! On Atlantic to adapt and chart a fresh path for the future.  The 2024 season presents the opportunity to introduce more roving entertainment and a renewed focus on developing new programming on the stages at 17th and 24th Street parks. 

We will still feature sidewalks, street corners, and closed streets as well as some of the boardwalk park stages at Live! On Atlantic.  Our musicians and novelty acts perform along Atlantic Avenue, the “Main Street” of the Virginia Beach Resort.  From 7:00pm-10:45pm, the 10-block corridor of Live! On Atlantic transforms into a magical world of its own that is an outdoor music festival, immersive entertainment and family fun.

We would like to see some of our sidewalk acts transition to closed streets/parks alongside some new and exciting family-friendly entertainment.  It’s our desire to see Live! On Atlantic expand beyond the sidewalk and develop new forms of musical and novelty entertainment as we meet the emerging needs of the oceanfront resort community. LOA is seeking top notch, innovative, unique, edgy, family-friendly musical entertainers for the 2024 season!

So, we are encouraging this year’s auditions to stretch beyond thinking about the stagettes on the sidewalk and craft your auditions to possibly include interactive and guest engagement.  “Interactive” Solo and duo acts are needed for the sidewalk locations.  However, if you are a solo or even a current LOA performer, consider adding additional members to your group and an interactive component to be considered for the park or side street locations. Spend some time thinking about ways to up your performance game; get creative. No idea is too crazy. Have fun!

Audition Dates:

  • Saturday, February 24, 11:00am-5:00pm (Auditions are full)

  • Sunday, February 25, 1:00pm-5:00pm (Auditions are full)

Audition Location:

IMGoing office
4500 Holland Office Park, Suite 318
Virginia Beach, VA 23452.

  • Please download and complete the application and bring it with you to the audition.  You may also attach resumes, headshots, demo CD’s, etc.

  • Please prepare 3 songs (1 slow to mid-tempo and 2 upbeat). You will play ONE at the audition unless asked to play the second by the audition panel.

  • A small sound system with up to 4 mics and a drum kit will be provided in the audition room. Bands should bring their own instruments, amps, guitar cords, direct box etc.

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to set up/ tune your equipment and to check-in.

  • We will be on a tight schedule!

To help you make an informed decision about auditioning and give the Insider Scoop of what the Live! On Atlantic review panel is looking for, please note the following:

      We’re looking for performers who are available during the time frame of Friday, May 3 thru September 1, 2024, during evenings from 7-11 pm. This does not mean that you will be booked every night but the more open your schedule is, especially leaving open Friday-Sunday, the more you could be contracted as a performer.


      During the season you will be performing four 45-minute sets.  This means that you will need to know and be proficient in a vast playlist.  A helpful hint in choosing your music selections is to ask yourself “Does this music make you happy?” and “Make you feel like you are on vacation?”


      Musical acts that are accepted for Live! On Atlantic will be responsible for providing their own sound equipment.  You will need sound reinforcement on the Live! on Atlantic with great fidelity and sound good!!  If you have a photo of sound equipment to show judges that would be helpful (but not required).  For time constraints at the auditions, there will be a sound system we provide at auditions ONLY for your convenience!


      The members of a musical act (or any other type of act involving more than one performer) who audition with us are the members we will be contracting with.  It is expected that the original auditioning members ARE INDEED the members that will actually be performing on Live! on Atlantic.  One person could change the dynamics of an act.  Exceptions to this policy will have to be approved in advance in writing by the Live! On Atlantic Program Manager.


      There is a dress code.  It will be included in the contract issued for all performers. Come to your audition dressed in the type of clothes that: (1) are appropriate for your act — If you are a Kiss cover band, dress like it; If you are country, do the boots and hat.  If you are a group, dress like you are a group; (2) WE LOVE Professional, Unique and Innovative.  You could be a 4-piece brass ensemble and be dressed in superhero costumes.  Think of Disney street acts! We had one performer who dressed in princess gowns and played the violin & keyboard.  Needless to say she was a hit with the judges and on Live! On Atlantic!  Be sure this is something you can wear, replicate, etc. throughout the season; (3) Be professional (please, no sexy, revealing, shorts, etc. are allowed); (4) A question to ask yourself:  Does it look like I am dressed as though I am part of a professional entertainment program?; (5) COME TO THE AUDITION IN THIS ATTIRE.


      Perform at the audition like you would if you were at a live show.  Be more than great musicians; be Entertainers!  Live! On Atlantic is a program to provide free entertainment for visitors to Virginia Beach!! We need to see at the audition how you would interact with the “audience.”  You need to “draw a crowd” and get our attention!


      All performers will be expected to conform to Live! On Atlantic Performer Handbook guidelines. This also means that if you are chosen, you are signing a contracted agreement with Live! On Atlantic to uphold the guidelines AND agreeing to come to ALL of the PERFORMANCE DATES that are in your contract.  Remember this is a CONTRACT and not, “Oh, if I don’t get a better offer, I will be there.”


      All performers will be required to attend an Orientation Meeting in May.  Not only will you get helpful and EXCITING information, you will also get to meet the rest of the Live! On Atlantic FAMILY!  That’s what we are…a Family.  It’s like a winter family reunion in May…people hugging each other, catching up, and trading information.  It’s a great time for networking as well.


      Due to time constraints, the audition panel will NOT be able to discuss salary at auditions. The pay for Live! on Atlantic performers varies from act to act. Variables include: size of the act, number of years on Live! On Atlantic programs, genre of music performed, degree of professionalism, whether it’s an act we need to fill on the roster, etc. Salary is negotiated when you are offered a contract with us. Keep in mind that the more times you are available to perform, the more money you could make. 


      The number of acts hired for 2024 is dependent upon how many acts we will be inviting to return from the previous seasons. So this means you need to be at the top of your game, in tip-top shape, and put your best foot forward.  Have your “shtick” “interactivity” ready.  Shine above the rest!


      You can’t be afraid of a little weather!! Live! On Atlantic entertainers perform outside and still have to show up, even if there is a prediction of rain!  We constantly monitor the weather and try to get you out to perform for all of the guests for as long as possible, even if that’s for 30 minutes.  The Live! On Atlantic Managers makes weather decisions.  Additionally, you have to check in (IN PERSON) every time you perform.

Unfortunately, walk-ins will not be accepted.

These are NOT auditions for bands
that wish to perform on the stages
in oceanfront parks.

For more information about playing on an oceanfront stage,
you must contact our talent-booking agency, More Music Group (757-463-1940).


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